Every time kids do say something funny that you'll want to remember. Yesterday while teaching at Baanana, they just cracked me up.
Me: What letter is this? (* draws a "t"alphabet)
Kids: a cross!!
Me: (started laughing) yes it is, but it's also "t"!
I'm really happy that they have the impression that I like to teach them about Christ.And when they see the cross or "t", it reminds them about Jesus! =)
Seeing them learn is a blessing, being with them is being blessed. Yesterday, Kannah ( a boy that is a little bit slow in learning) could finally remember how to write his name in English! I was so proud of him!
Tissue (literally) has been helping me alot too! Everytime the kids get any squable and they really do kinda fight ( with a real tight fist), I hand out the "magic tissue"
The magic tissue does clear up quite alot of tears! And of course I do talk with the offender.
Teaching this little kids has taught me alot of stuff and I'm happy for that! =)