Saturday, October 31, 2009


Youth Camp pictures are here!! =)) long awaited I know. I took mostly of games so it's mostly game pictures. The games are really so army style! Crossing the river with ropes, crawling in the mud under barb wires! The camp was the first youth camp for the teens at BNN!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"True Friend" camp

So it has been a week since I've posted! It has been a really busy week for me with two camps going on! Well, I'll let the pictures talk! We had so much fun! The pictures below are from the Shan kids camp, the BNN youth camp pictures would be posted later! On other news, my family and I have enrolled ourserlves to thai lessons again after a year of break!! I'm pretty excited but yet hesitant as it would take up time for other studies. Anyway, enjoy your week ahead!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


From the start of tomorrow I'll be busy! We'll be helping out at the youth camp at Baan nana and kids camp at the shan village! Whew... Lord give me strength! =)
On the day that Aaragon was found, it was also the day where I played at a concert! =) I've been CYO for about 1 and a half years, and it has been fun and a good experience! I've met thai friends there and one girl ( the picture above) has been especially dear to me. I've been keeping in contact with her as she recently moved down to Chiang mai for studies. I've talked to her about God and shared with her a tract. Please keep her in your prayers! =)
I'll be gone for several days!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

was lost but now am found!

Aaragon has been found! =)) Praise God!
We've posted up some 'missing dog' notices and have been waiting for calls to come.
Yesterday, after five days since Aaragon went missing, two girls spotted him ( they must have seen the notice) and followed him. He stopped at our friend's home where he use to stay when we were on vacation. The two girls knocked at our friend's home and asked whether he was their dog. Quickly they called my parents to tell of the exciting news! =))
Aaragon was found covered with all types of dirt you can imagine, poo, mud, sand, etc. He stank! My dad and our friend bathed him before letting him go home, when he got home, dad bathed him another time!
I really really am soooo thankful! Those 5 days that Aaragon went missing were days that I really learned to trust in God. To know that our lives are fully controled by God with a plan He is unfolding. =)) I'm grateful for that lesson Lord. You can ask me for the story about God working in my life those few days. It's just too long to put in here!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

missing my missing dog....

Aaragon has been missing for two nights. We usually let him out by himself and he will always come back after a short while. Two days ago, we had let him out at around 4:00pm and he came back after that. At around dinner time, there was some fire-works celebration. Aaragon has been very scared of the noise and so we had put out his box to hide. We tried to give him his dinner but he refused so we decided to feed him later after our dinner.
At about 8:00pm, we went out looking for him. We searched everywhere, he wasn't there. And we realised that we had forgotten to close the gate when he came back home earlier that afternooon. My heart sank at knowing that he had ran away because he was scared. I wished I had close the gate when he came home.
We quickly took our torch and looked for him in our neighbourhood. He wasn't there.
That night was the most hard night to sleep through, my thoughts race thinking of the worst.
I couldn't wait for daylight to come.
The next day, I got on the motorbike with dad and continued our search. We went at least 4 times an hour each time. Still no sight Aaragon.
Today, we went out again but Aaragon wasn't in sight.

I've prayed countless times, why doesn't God want to answer I keep thinking. That I cannot fathom. My dad said that maybe God wanted to teach us a lesson. When our dog is lost we are sad isn't it? So how much more we should grief when a soul is lost for eternity.Maybe God wants us to go share the gospel with more courage.

So Lord, give me courage to share the gospel and can you please please send Aaragon back to us? Help us to locate him. Please pray for Aragon that he'll be safe. Right now I can't think of anything else except Aaragon. I can't concentrate on doing my homework. Lord, bring Aaragon back. PLEASE.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

LOVING you always

Having a sister around again is something special! The way she and the kids talk is so nice to hear, watching her teach with experience is something I need to learn. The kids never cease to brighten ones day and especially my sister's! Creating a special bond with them ever so fast!

Yesterday, my sister left for Singapore. Goodbyes to me are hard, but yet I've been so immune to it. This one though I cannot, it was hard. Having a brother in one other country and having a sister in another country. That makes it hard. Thank God for skype! =)
After a one hour english lesson, we'll have story time and games time. The kids just shrill with laughter everytime we play. Each child has their own character to love. And I know they're specially and wonderfully made by God.