Sunday, October 11, 2009

was lost but now am found!

Aaragon has been found! =)) Praise God!
We've posted up some 'missing dog' notices and have been waiting for calls to come.
Yesterday, after five days since Aaragon went missing, two girls spotted him ( they must have seen the notice) and followed him. He stopped at our friend's home where he use to stay when we were on vacation. The two girls knocked at our friend's home and asked whether he was their dog. Quickly they called my parents to tell of the exciting news! =))
Aaragon was found covered with all types of dirt you can imagine, poo, mud, sand, etc. He stank! My dad and our friend bathed him before letting him go home, when he got home, dad bathed him another time!
I really really am soooo thankful! Those 5 days that Aaragon went missing were days that I really learned to trust in God. To know that our lives are fully controled by God with a plan He is unfolding. =)) I'm grateful for that lesson Lord. You can ask me for the story about God working in my life those few days. It's just too long to put in here!


  1. Hallelujah, Praise God!! :) :) :) Now make sure u eat and sleep well, my lil mei :P

  2. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO GOD! Only God can to this, was lost and now am found even for a pet dog so how much more for lost soul of the world. God hears yours and many others who have prayed for Aaragon. EMNANUNEL. L3

  3. Hooray! Thank God for Aaragon being found!

    Do take care and God bless!!
